schilk happens

74-Series SAR-ADC

What and Why?

A discrete SAR (Successive-Approximation-Register) ADC controlled by a state machine implemented in 74-series logic.

A quick feature overview:

Resolution8 bit
Sample Rate1Hz - 300Hz (adjustable)
Input Voltage Range0-5V
Input SourceIncluded Potentiometer or External Input
Output8 bit parallel

The point of this project was not to design a usable ADC (8bit at 300Hz is nothing to write home about), but rather to be a fun challenge and play around with successive-approximation analog to digital conversion.

It also makes for an approachable demonstration of how such ADCs function.


Here is a short demonstration of the ADC running at a very slow speed, with the input voltage (in yellow) and DAC output voltage (in cyan) shown on the oscilloscope. The output register is in the bottom right.

At such a low speed, the successive-approximation algorithm can be seen in action:

Below are two more oscilloscope captures showing conversion:


A quick overview of the design is below. The full schematic can be seen here.


The clock is generated using a standard 555-timer based variable frequency oscillator, but can be disconnected using a jumper and manually controlled using a push-button.

Analog Section

The current DAC set point is buffered by a 74HC245 IC in front of the actual R2R DAC.

The DAC then feeds a LM358 being used as a comparator. Because the LM358 cannot compare signals close to it's input rails and the highest DAC set-point is 5V, it is being powered from a slightly increased 6.2V rail. This voltage, besides being high enough to compare signals up to 5V, results in the comparator output-high state being very close to 5V. To ensure the output interfaces nicely with the control logic, a Schmitt-trigger buffer follows the comparator, but is probably not strictly necessary.

The input voltage that is fed to the other comparator input can either be supplied by an on-board potentiometer, or by an external voltage source (selectable by jumper).

Because the ADC is too slow to meaningfully measure anything but DC, no sample-and-hold circuit was included.

Digital Control

The state machine is based around a 74HC161 shift register with an additional output stage. Since the 9 states needed (Reset, plus one for each bit) always occur in the same order, a shift register with additional logic setting its input high only if all outputs are low makes for a very compact implementation. The current state is also naturally available in the one-hot encoding needed.

Changes and Future Ideas

If I ever find the time it would be interesting to measure the linearity of the ADC. Some possible reasons for non-linearity could be: