An implementation of the classic Tic-Tac-Toe / Knots and Crosses game built entirely from 2458 discrete transistors.
While playing around with a graphical logic simulator during a 'Digital Design' lecture, I came up with a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game, featuring both a player-vs-player or player-vs-computer mode. It is capable of detecting all possible win/draw states, and features a move validator, allowing it to reject invalid inputs from the user.
The 'Engine' against which a player can play was originally implemented using a parallel input/output ROM as a large lookup table: The current board state was applied to the 18-bit applied to the ROM address input, and the engine's move read from memory. This worked well, but was very inefficient: less than 5% of all possible inputs corresponded to possible game states.
In a second step I replaced this implementation with a purely combinatorial logic-gate based module, also capable of perfect play.
The simulation in LOGISIM.
A high-level block diagram of the system.
The final circuit was much simpler than I first expected it to be: It only requires 19 Flip-Flops (18 for the current game state, and one to track the active player), and a handful of basic gates. Some quick estimates put that around 2000 transistors when implemented in CMOS - how hard could that be too implemented?
In a workflow (very!) vaguely reminiscent of actual IC design, I first designed the set of basic cells I needed. This was done in KiCad, with each cell contained in a hierarchical schematic sheet.
For example, here is the basic NOT gate:
I should note that the specific mosfets models were chosen using the highly scientific process of "sorting by cheapest first" on
I then systematically constructed more complex gates from these basic cells. For example, a 2-input AND gate was built from an NAND and NOT gate:
Then, I re-drew the logic circuit in KiCad, using the hierarchical sheets instead of components. A similar procedure is used during layout: each basic cell is routed once, and then the layout applied to all instances of that gate using the replicate layout plugin (since this project predates KiCad's mutlichannel design feature!). Then all that is left to do is to assemble and route all connections between these cells.
I split the design into two boards:
The main board contains the user interface, power regulation, a 555-timer based clock, and all logic except for the engine against which a player can play. There is a slot for a large FLASH memory, which, just as in the first iteration, can act as this engine. Alternatively the transistor-based engine, which is built on a separate PCB, can be connected to a series of pin-headers on the top.
The PCBs are both 2 layer, and the routing was done in a Manhattan style, with the top layer used for all transistor footprints and vertical routing, while the bottom layer was used for all horizontal routing:
A close-up of some of the routing on the main board.
For some reason I decided to assemble these boards by hand. Did I mention that it took 3 revisions to get this all to work?
To make the process a little easier, I built a [vacuum pick and place pen]({% link projects/ %}) which allowed me to quickly transfer the components to the board directly from the reel. Since all transistors shared the same orientation on the board, this was actually a pretty quick process.
Here is a timelapse of one such assembly:
(Not included is me dropping the board from the solder hot-plate around 5 minutes after I stopped filming.)
Only after three revisions and once I had convinced myself that everything worked, did I spend the money to have five engines and main boards assembled: The uneven heating of the PCB during my manual soldering had introduce such significant warpage that my prototypes would break randomly after a few weeks due to tension breaking solder joints.
As a final step, I implemented a small STM32-based test bench that allows the engine to be connected to the PC. I also developed a small python script that plays every single possible game of Tic-Tac-Toe against the engine (there aren't that many!) and confirmed that the engine never loses.