Trace Event Fields

The following field types are supported in trace packages:


An unsigned, 8-bit value. Encoded as-is.


An unsigned, 32-bit value. Encoded as a varlen unsigned value.


An unsigned, 64-bit value. Encoded as a varlen unsigned value.


A signed 64-bit value. Encoded in sign-magnitude form as a varlen value. When encoded, the least significant bit indicates the sign of the value, with a 1 marking the value as negative. All other bits (once shifted to the right by one) give the magnitude of the value. The only exception is INT64_MIN, whose magnitude would overflow a 63 bit representation. It is instead encoded as negative zero (0x01).

This is done to efficiently encode small negative integers, which would otherwise always require 10 bytes after varlen encoding due to the set MSB in the twos-complement representation of negative values.


A varlen string. Encoded as-is. Must be the final value in the frame. Length given by end of frame.