Getting Started


Add all source files from tband/src to your project and place all headers from tband/inc inside a folder that is recognized as an include path.

If you are using FreeRTOS, include tband.h at the end of the FreeRTOSConfig.h header.

To use the tracer, only include tband.h in your code. Do not directly include any other Tonbandgerät headers. Note that Tonbandgerät is written using C11. Older versions of C are not tested.


Provide a tband_port.h header that implements all required porting macros. Example implementations can be found here.


Provide a tband_config.h header, and configure Tonbandgerät using the configuration macros. Note that you have to provide this file even if you are keeping all settings at their default value or are providing configuration through compiler flags.

Trace Handling

Pick a trace handling backend and implement some mechanism for transmitting trace data to the computer.