
Tonbandgerät invokes the macros below for all platform-specific operations. They must all be implemented for Tonbandgerät to function properly!


  • Required: YES
  • Return type: uint64_t

Get current value of the 64bit unsigned monotonic timestamp timer. The timer should have a resolution/frequency of tband_portTIMESTAMP_RESOLUTION_NS (see below).

Note that the timer must be shared between all cores. Smaller timers are allowed, but the return value of this macro should be uint64_t.


uint64_t platform_ts(void);
#define tband_portTIMESTAMP() platform_ts()


  • Required: YES
  • Value type: uint64_t

Resolution of the timestamp timer, in nanoseconds.


// Timestamp counter increases every 10ns:
#define tband_portTIMESTAMP_RESOLUTION_NS (10)


  • Required: YES

Enter a critical section from any context. For precise details of what properties a critical section must have, see here.


// FreeRTOS, ARM CM4F:
#define tband_portENTER_CRITICAL_FROM_ANY()            \
  bool tband_port_in_irq = xPortIsInsideInterrupt();   \
  BaseType_t tband_port_key = 0;                       \
  if (tband_port_in_irq) {                             \
    tband_port_key = taskENTER_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR();    \
  } else {                                             \
    taskENTER_CRITICAL();                              \
    (void)tband_port_key;                              \


  • Required: YES

See tband_portENTER_CRITICAL_FROM_ANY() above.


// FreeRTOS, ARM CM4F:
#define tband_portEXIT_CRITICAL_FROM_ANY()             \
  if (tband_port_in_irq) {                             \
    taskEXIT_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR(tband_port_key);        \
  } else {                                             \
    taskEXIT_CRITICAL();                               \


  • Required: YES
  • Return type: uint32_t

Number of cores on which the tracer is running. See Multicore Support for more details.


// Single core:
#define tband_portNUMBER_OF_CORES (1)


  • Required: YES
  • Return type: uint32_t

Detect on which core the current execution context is running. See Multicore Support for more details. This macro must return a value between 0 and tband_portNUMBER_OF_CORES - 1 inclusive.


// Single core, always running on core 0:
#define tband_portGET_CORE_ID (0)

Streaming Backend Porting

tband_portBACKEND_STREAM_DATA(buf, len)

  • Required: YES (if streaming backend is enabled)
  • Return type: bool
  • Arg. 1 type: const uin8_t*
  • Arg. 2 type: size_t

Required if the streaming backend is used. Called by Tonbandgerät to submit data that is to be streamed. Return value of true indicates that data could not be streamed and was dropped. Return value of false indicates that data was not dropped and succesfully streamed.


bool stream_data(const uin8_t* buf, size_t buf_len);
#define tband_portBACKEND_STREAM_DATA(buf, len) stream_data(buf, len)

Snapshot Backend Porting


  • Required: NO
  • Return type: void

If the snapshot backend is active and stops because of a full snapshot buffer, this callback is called.

Note that this macro is called from within the tracing hook of the first event that could not be stored in the buffer, and therefor may be called from any context (interrupts, RTOS tasks, RTOS scheduler, …).

Because the callback is always called from within a Tonbandgerät critical section and while certain internal spin locks are held, no Tonbandgerät APIs may be called from inside this callback.

Even in a multicore setp, this callback is called only once on the one core that first filled its buffer.

Furthermore, note that this callback is called once the (first) buffer is full, but it may some moments for the snapshot backend to finish, especially on all cores.


extern volatile bool snapshot_full;
#define tband_portBACKEND_SNAPSHOT_BUF_FULL_CALLBACK() snapshot_full = true