Value Markers

Value markers allow you to track how a single numeric int64_t value changes over time. Each marker is uniquely identified by a 32-bit, user-selectable ID. Note that markers are global and can be updated from any context.

A marker does not have to be initialized to be used, but can optionally be named.

💡 Note

Internally, Tonbandgerät uses a varlen encoding scheme for numeric values, so don’t be appalled by the idea of using a 64-bit trace message to track your 8 bit value. Small values will only require a few bytes.


Consider the following firmware snippet that implements some for of buffer. The functions to add and remove data from the buffer are instrumented with value markers to track how much data the buffer contains at any given time.

#include "tband.h"

#define MARKER_BUF  0

// Setup:
void setup(void) {
    tband_valmarker_name(MARKER_BUF, "buf");

// Add bytes to buffer:
void add_to_buf(struct buf *b, const uint8_t *data, size_t len) {
    tband_valmarker(MARKER_BUF, buf.len + len);
    // ...

// Read & remove bytes from buffer:
void remove_from_buf(struct buf *b, uint8_t *data, size_t len) {
    tband_valmarker(MARKER_BUF, buf.len - len);
    // ...

A trace of this imaginary fimware would like this: Valmarker Example Trace.


Markers are only traced if the config option tband_configMARKER_TRACE_ENABLE is enabled.



void tband_valmarker_name(uint32_t id, const char *name);

Name the value marker with id id. This is a metadata event. If the metadata buffer is enabled, it can be emitted at any time before or during the tracing session.


void tband_valmarker(uint32_t id, int64_t val);

Trace a new value.